Corporate governance

Corporate governance

Corporate governance

Questionaire of compliance for issuers of shares for 2022.pdf

Questionaire of compliance for issuers of shares for 2022.xlsx

Decision on remuneration of the the Supervisory board members.pdf

Questionaire of compliance for issuers of shares for 2021.pdf

Questionaire of compliance for issuers of shares for 2021.xlsx

Articles of Association of Ilirija d.d..pdf

Rules of Procedure of the Management Board of Ilirija d.d..pdf

Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board of Ilirija d.d..pdf

Rules of Procedure of the Audit Committee of Ilirija d.d..pdf

Compliance questionare for issuers of shares for the year 2020.pdf

Compliance questionare for issuers of shares for the year 2020.xlsx

Remuneration policy for the Management Board Members of the company ILIRIJA d.d..pdf